Friday 4 March 2011

Macro & Micro

Big and small. Inner and outer. Inside the box, outside the box.... They all specify one thing - being a part of something else. But if the universe and the cosmos are indeed infinite, how do we know our place in all of it? Is there a map of reality, the universe or the cosmos?

Philosophers and theoligists have over the years banded around ideas and concepts about how the reality, space and world(s) around us are formed :Did they get any further forward with reaching a conclusion? I don't doubt that their musings raised more questions, whether or not their new questions got answered or not is anyones guess. But the nature of questions also intruiges me - when i think of questions aside from the usual "what, where, how, who etc", there is one question which connects and strings all of the other questions together. "why"

When i think about "why", its the question that raises so much more than the others. It connects question after question, meets up with other questions, and indeed helps to answer others. I do however wonder about the original question, or the root concept. It is a firm founded belief that if you follow the path of "why" you will originally find the root of all that is. 

But how deep does the root go? And what does it burrow into, what feeds it and sustains it? You see my point here, it never stops. 

It is my theory(ish) that the original question and its root connect all other things together. From the small to the big, from the macro to the micro. It all seems, in my mindset to be one big machine, device or other such arrangement or structure, emerging into larger and larger spheres of reality / existence. But wheres does it stop?

If we look at the theory of how the universe is constructed, we often hear say that it expands, and the contracts and shrinks to its original size. Would this happen also to our perspective of reality, the macro becoming the micro after it expanded? Using the mobius strip (the infinity symbol) as a model it would appear to follow the cycle of expanding then contracting continuously. Does this count for our path of experience also?

A good friend posted something recently about enforcing world peace which got me thinking initially about macro and micro and its influence on connection with alot of things. it goes something like this :

So how do we bring global peace to our world?

I think the real question is this: are you ready to hear an answer that is so achievable its resting at your fingertips this very moment. It’s so simple and so profound.

The peace we seek will occur naturally the instant we genuinely stop viewing ourselves as separate. It is the natural byproduct of this awareness.
We should not be separate, we should become a global body and from this global body we will naturally interact just as our physical bodies do.

To talk in metaphors, as an example, if our stomach is disturbed and we get heartburn we don’t try to annihilate the stomach, we don’t retaliate and we don’t threaten if it somehow doesn’t stop on its own, we carefully consider what may remedy or at least soothe its trouble because we know it isn’t our enemy. It isn’t an attack the stomach has launched, it is a symptom of its distress and actually a call for assistance and because we see our stomach as an important part of us we send that comfort straight away because we see the whole benefits and how once again the body becomes harmonious.

It makes sense and it works.

This is how we must also treat our global body. Our ability to see in this way comes first from realising this truth and allow this instinctive urge to heal that comes from this view of concord

I thought it worthy of a mention :). Ultimately big things are made of small things, and small things are made of even more smaller things. Everything is linked to everything else, in some way or another. . .  .

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