Monday, 1 September 2008

Glass Utopia

It began as a surprise, for me
And for you it was a moment of clarity.
Strange it seemed to me,
That your thoughts were this way.

You saw my wisdom, and a depth of thought
And from this the shadow saw the challenge,
And a shadow of a threat emerged in its own mind
For he was blinded by the light.

Upon instinct he fled, and returned, out of curiosity
As a prisoner who knew only captivity, would fear to leave its cage
Isolated and curious the dilemma was clear,
Yet it watched from a distance, knowing nothing but fear.
It was all he had experienced, all he had seen
The constant analysis and review of events,
Which in your own mind were clear
But a suspicion was not seen, a wariness not yet experienced.
The shadow, had yet things to say.
Questions were asked, answers given.
In the supreme court of this glass Utopia,
The shadow deemed this unacceptable.
An unknown force, and unknown set of events, of questions
Of inquisitions.
of secret spies and sabotage,
Came to look into the looking glass.
It was his window, for looking out.
His window into the world beneath the perfect world.
And in the hub of reason, the great emperor became full of wariness
Full of wrath, full of suspicion.
The great book of rules lay before him, secret and forgotten
Known only to the shadow, since it had come through the window.
Written in treaty, a great codex of the rules to the fabric of reality

Of ways and conduct.
The commandments from the creator and creation, working in a harmony.

The shadow knew of other places, other kingdoms
The creator worked with them all of the time.
Business was dealt there, and they both knew of their dependencies.
In other kingdoms, things were just as dark as here.
Things fell from the sky in flames, all was viewed with mistrust.
All was suspicious. It was easy to see it that way.
Easy to classify, easy to categorise, to analyse.
The conclusion was always the same.
"Close the windows! Raise the curtain of iron"
"Enemies are many, for even friends must be eyed with suspicion"

Then there shone a light in the heavens.
Through the great window it fell, and invaded.
Flooding the great hub of reason with a painful light.
Where could he hide?
Burning and itching it became
Blinding and uncomfortable.
The light fell upon the situation
Then the truth blinded him.
He did not want it, did not care for it
He was truth, he was security, and he was in control.
It was his job to survey it all, his job to realise conclusions.
The other could not handle it,
Could not cope with it.
He made things better,
changed the reality for the better.
How dare the cracks show in his world!
How dare this burning light melt away the wax amongst the scenery!
Did it not know who made this?
Did it not see the retribution that would be impaired?
He could end it now, if he wished
End it, for them both. Punishment for the betrayal
For bringing about doubt to this glass Utopia
Damn the light, and damn him for showing it to him.
He became now less of an influence, less of an existance.
His power, his majesty and his control
Was now fading.
Soon he would not be needed.
Soon he would be redundant.
Worst of all, he could be forgotten.
Fallen from the kingdom that his creator had shown him,
Into nothingness.

He must act! He must do something!
Words of warning were uttered.
Words were stopped, and commnications jammed
For but a moment.
The light burned everything it touched.
And his very words burst into flames,
Then unto dust as they were spoken.
"What sorcery is this?" he cried.
"What magic has befallen me?"

"Know thine enemy", he pondered, and looked towards the window.
And in the great shaft of light, it was seen.
Terrible and beautiful, and blinding to look upon.
The sun had shone upon the glass Utopia,
And every corner of it seen. Every facet of the glass gem shone.
All was revealed.

He fell to his knees and saw the kingdom that was once darkness,
About him as a great mirror.
And in it ,as he looked, he saw a face he did not expect.
A great paradox before him.
The face of the creator shone with terror and wonder.
The realisation came swiftly.
He was no longer the emperor of his glass utopia,
But a child in the light of the sun
A child in the light of truth.
A child who innocence had forgotten,
and had strayed from the light.
What was he to be now?
He had almost forgotten his empire, in which only he existed.
The world awaited.
The universe beckoned.
The glass Utopia, forgotten.
A mere reflection of his true self.
Freedom, was upon him.
Freedom, was upon you.

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